N3FJP Software Registration
(System Requirements - Windows 7 through Windows 11. XP & Vista versions here.)

Listed below are all of our amateur radio programs currently available, along with their individual registration fees. You can register an individual program from its download page and we also offer a package suite, which includes all of the programs listed, free registration of any additional amateur radio software that we add to the package, as well as free upgrades to existing programs.

The entire N3FJP Software Package is only $59.99, which is a great deal and your best value! Please see the registration options at the bottom of this page for more details!

General Log

Amateur Contact Log 7.0.11 - $39.99

FCC / RAC Call Data - Free!

Contest Logs

ARRL Contests

ARRL 10 Meter Contest Log 6.1.7 - $8.99 Registration

ARRL 10 Meter Contest Log DX Version 6.1.7 - $8.99 Registration

ARRL 160 Meter Contest Log 5.0.7 - $8.99 Registration

ARRL Field Day Contest Log 6.6.9 - $8.99 Registration

ARRL Hiram P. Maxim Contest Log 1.5.6 - Free!

ARRL IARU HF Contest Log 5.0.7 - $8.99 Registration

ARRL International Digital Contest Log 1.0.4 - $8.99 Registration

ARRL International DX Contest Log 5.1.7 - $8.99 Registration

ARRL International DX Contest Log DX Version 3.7.7 - $8.99 Registration

ARRL Kids Day Log 3.3.6 - Free!

ARRL November Sweepstakes Contest Log 7.3.8 - $8.99 Registration

ARRL Rookie Roundup Contest Log 2.3.8 - Free!

ARRL RTTY Round-Up Contest Log 3.9.9 (also supports FT Round-Up) - $8.99 Registration

ARRL School Club Roundup Contest Log 2.5.6 - Free!

ARRL VHF / UHF (Please see our VHF Contest Log in Other Contests Below)

CQ Contests

CQ 160 Meter Contest Log 5.0.7 - $8.99 Registration

CQ World Wide DX Contest Log 6.0.6 - $8.99 Registration

CQ World Wide DX RTTY Contest Log 2.4.6 - $8.99 Registration

CQ WPX Contest Log 4.9.9 - $8.99 Registration

CQ VHF (Please see my VHF Contest Log in Other Contests Below)

Other Contests

10-10 QSO Party Log 4.7.7 - $8.99 Registration

13 Colonies - supported in Amateur Contact Log

Africa International DX Contest Log 2.3.6 - $8.99 Registration

All Asian DX Contest Log 2.2.7 - $8.99 Registration

CWops CWT Contest Log 2.3.8 - $8.99 Registration

CWops CW Open Contest Log 2.2.8 - Free with CW Ops CWT Registration

EU-DX Contest Log 1.0.6 - $8.99 Registration

ICWC Medium Speed Test (MST) - supported in CW Ops Open Contest Log

Italian A.R.I. International DX Contest Log 2.3.6 - $8.99 Registration

Jamboree on the Air Log 2.3.6 - Free!

K1USN SST - supported in NAQP Contest Log

NA Sprint Contest CW & RTTY Log 5.1.7 - $8.99 Registration

NA Sprint Contest SSB Log 2.3.6 - $8.99 Registration

NAQP Contest Log 5.3.8 - $8.99 Registration

Oceania DX Contest Log 2.2.6 - $8.99 Registration

RAC Contest Log 3.6.7 - $8.99 Registration

RSGB IOTA Contest Log 1.0.7 - $8.99 Registration

State QSO Party Logs - $8.99 Registration Each (click here for the complete, extensive program list!)

Stew Perry Contest Log 3.6.6 - $8.99 Registration

VHF Contest Log 6.6.10 (ARRL & CQ Contests) - $8.99 Registration

Winter Field Day 2.9.0 - $8.99 Registration

Worked All Europe Contest Log 2.3.6 - $8.99 Registration

World Wide Digi DX Contest Log 1.2.6 - $8.99 Registration

All the older, archived VB6 versions of our software (click here for details)

Speciality Software

Amateur Exam Study Buddy - Free!

HamDash - Free!

MeshSense - Free!

WX Warn - Free!

N3FJP Software Purchase Options

Register an individual program.

We offer individual registration of any of the programs listed above. If you want to register an individual program, please go to that particular program's page on the web site and use the PayPal button at the bottom of that page for individual registration.

N3FJP Software Registration Package - $59.99

N3FJP Software Package includes full registration of all our amateur radio software (more than one hundred programs in all) and our WX Warn weather software, too! Simply install the software from this website whenever you like. This option also includes free registration of any additional amateur radio software that we add to the package, as well as free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply pay once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! This option is a great deal and your best value! To register all the programs individually would cost over $400.00!

Please send Cash, Check or Money Order payable to Affirmatech Inc. for registration of any program or package. Please be sure to include your call sign and e-mail address with your request so we can process your registration promptly! Please send your payment to the address below:

Affirmatech Inc.
G. Scott Davis, N3FJP
118 Glenwood Road
Bel Air, MD 21014-5533

PayPal Acceptance Mark

To purchase by credit card, PayPal or Venmo, please select an individual program, or buy the entire package at once and save hundreds!

After you complete your transaction, you will see a "Thank You" page, and PayPal will send you a Receipt of Payment in just a few minutes. When we receive Notification of Payment from PayPal, we will promptly send your password via e-mail. If you have not received a confirmation within 24 hours, please send us an e-mail. Your PayPal payment will be sent to:

Register all our software at once as a package deal and save hundreds!

N3FJP Software Package - Only $59.99!

N3FJP Software Package includes full registration of all our amateur radio software (more than one hundred programs in all) and our WX Warn weather software, too! Simply install the software from this website whenever you like. This option also includes free registration of any additional amateur radio software that we add to the package, as well as free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply pay once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life!

This option is a great deal and your best value! To register all the programs individually would cost over $400.00!

Upgrade to the N3FJP Software Package!

If you have already purchased one or more individual programs and your would like to upgrade to N3FJP's $59.99 Package, we are currently offering the opportunity to apply your previous registration as a credit towards your upgrade! Please click here to learn more!

Refund Policy
