N3FJP Software E-mail Support Groups
There are two users groups for N3FJP Software. We encourage all registered users to join the first, N3FJP Software Announcement Only Group, so that we can communicate major announcements such as free upgrades, enhancements and new products, as we continue to develop our software. Kimberly, Chris and I are the only people that can post to the N3FJP Software Announcement Only group. We are very sensitive to e-mail volume and we will keep e-mail for this group to a minimum. We really encourage everyone to join the Announcements Only group!
Registered users may also join the more active N3FJP Software Users group if you wish, but be aware that this group allows for postings from other users, can be quite busy and we have better support options for you.
N3FJP Software Announcement Only Group
We highly recommend that you join this group, so that we can let you know about free upgrades, enhancements and new products, as we continue to develop our software. This group is maintained through the free Groups.io service. Kimberly, Chris and I are the only people who can post to this group, so you will not be swamped with e-mail by subscribing. We are very sensitive to e-mail volume, and we will keep e-mail for this group to a minimum. To subscribe, please follow the link below:
Or send a blank subscription e-mail to: N3FJPSoftware+subscribe@groups.io
If you ever wish to unsubscribe, just send a blank e-mail to: N3FJPSoftware+unsubscribe@groups.io
N3FJP Software Users Group
The N3FJP Software Users group may not be the group that you are looking for!
We totally understand that most folks don't want tons of e-mail and we have better support options for you. If you want to keep e-mail volume low, DON'T join the users group!
If you ONLY want to be notified of e-mail announcements from Kimberly, Chris and me as new programs and free upgrades are released, please instead join the N3FJP Software Announcements Only group, where ONLY Kimberly, Chris and I can post as detailed above.
The N3FJP Software Users group has been active since 2003. As a result of the growth and enthusiasm for our software over the past two decades, as of July, 2021, it has nearly 50,000 messages! The Users group has served very well as a support venue for a very long time, but we have developed better, more timely support options for you.
Most of the questions that we receive have been asked and answered many times over, so we are training our live bot, Juliet, to give you instant answers to many common questions without subjecting you to the e-mail volume of a users group! Juliet is still in training and learning, but she is getting better with every question. Please first try asking Juliet your question!
If Juliet doesn't know the answer, then please see our list of resources, including our contact info, here.
The Users group can still be useful for questions such as rig interface, when our standard settings aren't working with your radio and others more familiar with your rig may be able to provide more input, but given the delays inherent in waiting for an e-mail reply, the volume of e-mail the Users group can generate and the better support options we have created for you, it is last on our list of recommended resources for good reason.
IT ISN'T NECESSARY TO JOIN THE USERS GROUP TO USE IT AS A RESOURCE! Whatever you are wondering has likely already been asked and answered many times over. While Juliet can likely provide a quicker, better answer, if you wish to search the Users group, first, click the Messages button in the left hand pane of the User Group page. On the page that appears, at the upper right, you will see a Search field. Just type a keyword or two for your question, click Search and you will see all the related questions and responses.
You are still welcome to join the Users group if you like, but we are no longer recommending it for most questions. If you choose to subscribe to the Users group, be prepared for lots of e-mail!
You can click the link below and then click the button to join the high e-mail volume Users group:
Or send a blank subscription e-mail to: N3FJPSoftwareUsers+subscribe@groups.io
If you wish to unsubscribe, just send a blank e-mail to: N3FJPSoftwareUsers+unsubscribe@groups.io
Copyright 1997-2025, N3FJP Software - Affirmatech, Inc