Tips & Tricks
The following tips and tricks will help you get the most from N3FJP software. Right from the start, one of my goals has been to keep our program interface as clean, easy and intuitive to use as possible. Rather than adding a huge number of buttons and endless menu items, to minimize clutter, I'm utilizing keystroke combinations and click events wherever I can.
This page is by no means a complete features list. You'll find lots of great and useful features as you explore the software menu options. Here is a quick summary of the more "hidden" features:
Band Map - Clear
Want to clear all the current spots from the band map? Just click anywhere on the band map. Then press Shift + C.
Band Map - Hide Horizontal / Vertical Button
Tired of the distracting Horz / Vert button on the band map? Just click anywhere on the band map. Then press Ctrl + Shift + H.
Bearing as Compass Point
If you have wire antennas for various directions, rather than the bearing number, you might prefer seeing the bearing as a compass point (NE, SW, etc.). Press Ctrl + Shift + C.
Bearing - Long Path
To obtain the long path bearing, just click on the bearing label display while it is currently showing the short path heading.
Clipboard - Copy Most Recent Contact to Clipboard.
Have you just worked something exciting and want to quickly tell your friends in your local text chat group or by e-mail? Click anywhere on the Recent Contacts label and the software will copy text like the following to your Windows clipboard:
VK2GGC, Australia, 28.40340, 10 SSB!
You can then bring up your chat program or e-mail and click Edit > Paste.
Note that this feature is not currently present in the state QSO party programs, but it is in the rest of the contest software and AC Log.
Clipboard - Copy Station Currently Trying to Work to Clipboard
This works much like the Most Recent Contact described above, but instead, when you click on the Call label right above the Call text box, the software copies the information for the station in the Call text box to the Windows clipboard as follows:
Trying: 9M2GET, West Malaysia, 7.01500, 40 CW!
CW F Key Assignments
Want to see the strings you programmed for your F keys? Press Ctrl + Shift + W.
Note you can actually click on the labels to transmit the characters.
CW Type Ahead
Want to type text ahead for CW you are about to send? Press Ctrl + K.
DX Spotting - Delete Current Call from Band Map.
Want to delete the current call in the call field text box from the band map without a mouse grab? Instead of grabbing the mouse and right clicking on the spot to clear it, just press Ctrl + Shift + X.
DX Spotting - Jump to Next Spot
Want to jump to the next spot on the band map without a mouse grab to click on the spot? Press Ctrl + Shift + Z.
DX Spotting - Jump to Next Spot on Entry
Want to maximize your search and pounce (click and pounce) run rates? Press Ctrl + Shift + E and the software will jump to the next spot as you press enter. That means you are listening to the next station at the earliest possible moment and quite possibly catching the end of his current CQ, rather than having to listen to him send another one. Just remember to turn this feature off before calling CQ yourself!
DX Form - Seperate, Larger Form
Want to see a larger, resizeable list of DX Spots? Press Ctrl + Shift + D.
DX Spots - Spot Stations on Entry
As you Search and Pounce (or Click and Pounce), if you would like to automatically spot the stations you work as you press enter, press Ctrl + Shift + T. Contest software only.
Focus to Main List
When you want to move the focus to the main list, press Ctrl + Q.
Focus to DX Spot List
When you want to move the focus to the DX Spots list, press Ctrl Z.
Frequency Column in Contest Software
When you would like to see the frequency column displayed in the contest software, press Ctrl + Shift + F.
Frequency Change
Want to change frequency from the software (with rig interface enabled)? Either press Ctrl + F and enter the frequency, or just type the frequency right in the Call field and press enter.
Log the Contact With Mouse Click.
Want to log the contact with a mouse click? Click anywhere on the dialogue box under the data entry fields (usually blue). This is particularly useful for click and pounce contesting where all information can be gleaned from the call sign, such CQ World Wide SSB. Once your hands are on the keyboard, which is the case for most contests, pressing enter is typically quickest. (Contest software only.)
Mode Override
Do you want to designate a mode other than the mode your rig is returning? Press Ctrl + Shift + M. Applicable contest software only (AC Log already has a mode field).
Temporarily Disable Rig Interface
Want to temporarily disable rig interface from the main form for searches, to enter other band / mode data, etc.? Press Ctrl + Shift + R.
Speak the Next Serial Number
To hear the next serial number to be sent, press Ctrl + Shift + S (Applicable contest programs only.)
Swap Transceivers
If you are running multi transmitter and want to swap rigs, just press Ctrl + X from the main form. Note that you must have saved your settings for each rig in the rig interface set up form.
Time On Update / Correct
Did you accidentally leave the op time tracker running while you took a long break? Click on the label that is displaying the total operating time to correct the total (contest software only). Note that this is just for your information. The total operating time is calculated by the contest robot and not included with your contest submittal.
More Contesting Software Tips!
We have lots more contesting operating tips using our software here!
Copyright 1997-2025, N3FJP Software - Affirmatech, Inc